perm filename LET.E[AM,DBL]1 blob sn#373545 filedate 1978-08-16 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
.require "let.[c380dl22]" source!file;
Dr. Eamon Barrett
Intelligent Systems Division
Mathematical and Computer Sciences
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Dear Dr. Barrett,

.turn on "↓_";

I am leaving Carnegie-Mellon University to become an Asst. Professor
at Stanford University.  Effective August 1, my research will be
conducted from there.  I shall continue my current line of
investigation -- into the mechanisms whereby heuristic rules can
be synthesized and modified --  and I anticipate no interruption
in that endeavor.  The hardware, software, and 
human resources
 at Stanford are, for the purpose of carrying out this project,
equal to those at CMU.  

My research is supported by NSF (#7704440): "%bThe use of
informal rules to guide the search for discoveries in Mathematics%a".
This grant has now run one year, and has one year remaining.
I request that the remaining funds be shifted from CMU to Stanford,
effective August 1, 1978,
so that this research project may continue for the coming year.

Enclosed with this letter, or arriving shortly under separate
cover,  please find several brief forms:
.begin indent 5,8,0; preface 0; spacing 0;

(i) An NSF cover sheet from Stanford, authorizing its role in
this process.  

(ii) An annual review letter, in which I summarize
the progress made during the past year.  

(iii) A letter describing
the research to be undertaken next year.  
This also discusses the changes -- and lack of changes -- necessitated
by my transition.

(iv) A revised budget
for the period beginning August 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979.
Please note that CMU is replacing the funds 
  for Equipment
CRT terminal and 1200 baud modem) and will regain possession
of the equipment; Stanford will spend these funds on the purchase
of a similar terminal (Datamedia) and modem.

(v) A letter from CMU affirming the transfer of my grant to
Stanford.  No funds will be charged by CMU on this grant after
July 31, 1978.

(vi) Two copies of a published article "%bThe Ubiquity of Discovery%a",
from the ↓_Journal of Artificial Intelligence_↓, December, 1977, which
has a section on this research and credits the NSF support it has received.
.end; skip 1;

If there is any difficulty in arranging this, or if there is any
further information you require, please contact me as follows:
.next page;

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Before July 31:
.select b;
        Computer Science Dept.
        Carnegie-Mellon University
        Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213
        412-578-2575     (Home:  412-521-4617)

%aAfter August 1:%b
        Computer Science Dept.
        Stanford University
        Stanford, Ca. 94305
        415-497-4878     (Home:  415-965-1228)

.select a;

Thank you very much.  I hope we can meet sometime during
the coming months, so I may discuss my research at length.

.sig(Sincerely,Professor Douglas B. Lenat)